Talk to Me About Food
A podcast about the news and trends that impact the choices we make around getting, preparing, and disposing of our foods and drinks, seen through the lens of a consumer The podcast covers a range of topics related to the cycle of consuming food. DISCOVERY of new foods and cuisines. PLANNING what you're going to make and eat. SHOPPING for food and beverages. PREPARING meals and snacks. DISPOSING of what doesn't get eaten. EATING OUT when you want someone else to work. The goal is to entertain and inform you so I muse about what's trending in the food world: new products, up-and-coming cuisines, food chain sustainability, "smart" kitchen stuff, digital shopping, and more. The recipe for each episode is simple: 1) A good handful of observations. 2) A couple of spoonfuls of insight from experts. 3) A thimbleful of first-hand experience. 4) A dash of whimsy. 5) Simmer until a story emerges.
Talk to Me About Food
Endangered food species
Ali Tadlaoui
In this audio blog post I muse about the fate of some our staple foods in the face of climate change. Humans continue to contribute to the extinction of species across the kingdoms of life. Some are trying to rescue endangered or even lost food species, but the trajectory of many others does cause a pause for reflection.